
It’s Actually Is Possible to Save Money While Having a Baby. Here’s How.

Might Seem Impossible, But You Can Save Money While Having a Baby

Save Money While Having a BabyHaving a baby and raising a child takes a tremendous amount of money and a lot of time and effort. For the parents out there, we know it’s definitely worth it. But it’s always nice to find ways to save money while, too. Here are a number of tips and tricks you can use to save money while having a baby.

Sign Up for Special Programs with Companies

Companies that produce baby products, such as food, clothing and other baby necessities will have a special program that new parents can register for at no cost. After signing up, they will receive special discounts and coupons for that company’s products. This is especially helpful for babies who consume formula. Many of these baby formula companies will send periodic coupons or vouchers that provide formula at significant discounts.

Avoid Unnecessary Hospital Costs

For most expecting parents, giving birth at a hospital is a necessity. This doesn’t come cheap, but hopefully most will have insurance or access to government programs to help pay for these costs. But not all hospital costs are necessary to have a safe baby delivery. For example, some hospitals will charge extra for watching television or getting a private room. While these things are nice to have, they may not always be worth the added cost. If having a private room is something you really want, make sure you know what it costs before delivery and avoid a nasty sticker shock.

Look for Free Samples

Most pediatric and obstetric doctor’s offices will have free samples available, such as baby formula, breastfeeding kits and creams and lotions. If the office doesn’t have actual samples, there’s a good chance it will have coupons that allow individuals to get the item for free at a local retailer.

Buy Secondhand

There are a lot of baby items better purchased new, such as a car seat. But most other baby items are just fine when used, such as baby clothes, changing tables and toys. Most of these items can last dozens of years, even though a baby will only need them for a few weeks or months.

Consignment shops, flea markets and yard sales are perfect places to buy almost new baby items for literal pennies on the dollar. For example, SleepSacks are usually $20 new, but you can find them for less than $3 at yard sales.

An online source for getting secondhand items for cheap (free, actually) is freecycle.org.

Buy Convertible Baby and Toddler Equipment

If buying new baby items, it pays to pay a little more to have something that will last longer. Not all things are worthy of spending extra on,  but things like beds and car seats can last longer if you buy convertible versions of them. Instead of buying three car seats, buying one convertible car seat (and paying a little more at first) will save more money in the long run.

Breastfeed to Save Money While Having a Baby 

Baby formula is expensive and using breastmilk to feed the child can potentially save thousands of dollars. It’s also super healthy for the baby, too. Even if a baby can’t drink breastmilk exclusively, every little bit helps and will reduce the amount of baby formula that parents must buy.

Cook and Freeze Prepared Meals Before the Baby’s Delivery

Before giving birth, cook large batches of food, then put them in containers and freeze them. So after the baby is born, all you need to do is pull out a dish from the freezer and heat it up for a great meal. This will provide convenient meals without spending the money for take-out or delivery.

If Using Formula, Buy Powder

There are typically two types of baby formula options in stores: powder and ready to consume liquid. Powder requires a little bit more work to mix, but can be about half the price per serving. It’s usually worth the extra time to save money by buying formula powder instead of liquid.

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