Getting a cash advance in Atlanta is pretty common for people without stellar credit or those who need to get their hands on quick cash. From time to time, emergency situations arise that require more money than you have in savings. Before going the cash advance route, you might want to consider getting a title pawn instead. Here are some factors you’ll want to evaluate as you choose a title pawn company to work with:
Are They Professional?
While you can probably find a cash advance in Atlanta in nearly every neighborhood, don’t just go with the first one you come across without first looking at title pawn as an alternative. Make a visit to the Title Tree location nearest you and see for yourself what it would be like to do business there rather than somewhere else where you might not get the feeling that you’re dealing with professionals.
What Is Required?
Cash advance businesses typically match your application with a short-term lender who will make the determination of whether they will lend you money. In their evaluation process, they may run a credit check on you. With Title Tree title pawns, you can use your car title to get the cash you need – we do not run a credit check on you.
Are You Certain They’ll Protect Your Privacy?
With a cash advance in Atlanta, you need to be sure the business you choose is dependable enough to trust with your social security number, bank account details, and other private information. You’d want to make sure this information isn’t going to get passed along to third parties. With Title Tree, none of that information is collected. Your privacy is guaranteed because we do not run credit reports, ask for banking information, or use your social security number at all.
How Easy Will It Be to Repay?
Interest rates and repayment terms for a cash advance in Atlanta differ from place to place, but typically you will need to repay the loan on your next payday, which is most often within two weeks. With a title pawn, you have 30 days to repay.
Where is the business located? Is it easy to find? Businesses with a local and permanent presence may offer more dependability than a financial company on the internet or a temporary storefront that’s only been around for a few months. Title Tree has locations throughout the greater Atlanta area.
Rather than going for a cash advance in Atlanta, come to your nearest Title Tree location to see whether your car’s title offers you a better option.